Mireia Miracle


Poetic clown, gestural theater, dance and improvisation with the public.

Mireia Miracle Company is the company of the director, actress, dancer and clown Mireia Miracle. The company was created in 2017, giving birth to its first show: RED. It premieres in 2017 in the CIRCADA CIRCUS FESTIVAL winning the Circaire award. In 2018 he received the Zirkólika Emerging Artist Award being also RED, nominated for Best Street Show and Best Clown Show. In 2019 Rojo receives the seal of «Recommended show" by SCENE NETWORK.

In 2022 he decides to address a new theme and aesthetic with his new and pictorial show: #SDREAM#SUEÑA is co-produced by El Festival de CIRCO CIRCADA. 

Biografía del artista

Mireia Miracle was born in Madrid. From a young age she showed a tendency towards the arts, winning multiple drawing and poetry competitions. As an adult, she trained in gestural theater in Jacques Lecoq School of Pedagogy Navarro Sea, Madrid. He also trains in contemporary dance (Iris MuñozCamile HansonLucia Marote), plastic arts, music and social theater. After creating various shows and companies, in 2014 he was lucky enough to work for Leandre Ribera, a well-known and award-winning clown, which marks a before and after in his artistic career. 

He is currently dedicated to touring both nationally and internationally with his two shows. Besides, teaches workshops and advises other artists in similar searches. 

Jorge Bedoya “The Hands”
Caixa Bank Príncipe Pio Grand Theater 11/18/24

Jorge Bedoya “The Hands”
Cartuja Center Seville 11/23/24 

Jorge Bedoya “The Hands”
La Cochera Cabaret Málaga 11/24/24